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Image by Catherine Breslin

Research & Initiatives

Deeper dive into our research and approach

Zazen Audio provides comprehensive audio research services, ranging from qualitative interviews and focus groups to quantitative surveys and behavioral studies. We also specialize in perceptual and acoustic measurement, as well as mixed-methods approaches to audio research. Our team of experts has in-depth knowledge of the latest industry research methods and technologies, so you can trust us to provide you with the best possible results.


We specialize in research in the field of audio. Our areas of expertise include Spatial Audio, Game Audio, and perception of complex audio signals. We are driven by our passion for audio and strive to create the best possible sound experiences for all. 


Our philosophy is to bring together the best minds from a variety of backgrounds in order to find the perfect audio solutions. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the audio world. Join us in our mission to bring amazing audio to the world.

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